Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Wait, what do I do?

My first question was, why is this woman in the men's bathroom? I then realized it is probably a kitchen, so I gave the all-clear to her presence. But what the hell is happening here? Is she praying? No. Showing him how to wash his hands?? Well that seems to be the case, but why? Is he a child? Who the hell doesn't know how to wash their hands? And let's just say he was bad at washing his hands...well then wouldn't she want to roll-up her sleeves and demonstrate what he should be doing differently? Is it effective for her to just clasp her hands together like that and gaze into his eyes smiling? It isn't like she appears to be offering any direction. And why are their eyes locked on one another? Shouldn't he be watching what he's doing, especially if he already sucks at washing hands? So disturbing.

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