Thursday, June 21, 2007

Why does it have to be so complicated?

I hate loans. But this is pretty much a given, right? Who likes loans? Who likes calculating their new budget at their fancy new job, only to realize that with their loan payments, they might actually be taking home less than they were before school!

But I especially don't care for my FAFSA, Gov't, Direct Student Loans - I don't know what the official name is supposed to be, but those loans from our government that have the good rates. Why? Let me see...
  1. I came back from my trip to S. America, and granted I was gone for a bit, but I had eight separate pieces of mail from these guys! Two a week?!? Are you kidding?
  2. Not only was there a ton of mail, but it was contradictory. One letter said my first payment was due on 6/7, another said 6/21. Some letters have my full account number, some only have a partial number which means I can't tell which of my three loans they apply to as the one unique number amongst them wasn't printed. So some of my letters made it seem like my payments were due till November.
  3. You can sign-up for e-delivery of your statements which is great because you end up saving hundreds of trees given how many statements they send you. But if you then sign-up for direct debit, for some reason this cancels the e-statements and they revert you back to paper. It isn't possible for you to have both e-delivery and direct debit...why? Those are two complimentary services it seems to me. Wouldn't the person who wants the ease of direct debit also probably appreciate not getting two pieces of mail every week regarding their loans??
  4. Related: each of my loans is treated as a separate "account". Why? I am one person. How ridiculously non-customer focused is that? Let's not treat this customer as one person and roll all of his loans into one account (you can still break them which I understand is necessary since they are at different interest rates), let's instead give him three account numbers and mail three separate statements each month. Not only does this add to my mail, but it means I can't see my total payments anywhere, I have to add them up manually!
  5. This might be my favorite...what is the deal with the damn pin number they give you which they think should be treated like the most sacred thing in the world? If you enter your pin incorrectly twice, it is disabled. You can't then request a reminder until you first "reactivate" it. The reactivation process takes four hours, then you finally get an email. And this is all done for "your safety." Oh no, please don't let someone break into my account and pay my loans for me!
  6. Wait, no, this is my favorite. Here is the process for reactivating your pin, and then for getting the email reminder. In BOTH places, they ask you the EXACT SAME three questions: Social security number, first two letters of your last name, and your date of birth. Okay, first, if you are asking for the same info in both steps of the process, why the hell do you need two steps? There is no extra security there - some bad person either has stolen my information or they haven't, but making them enter it twice isn't going to prevent anything. But second, how are these three questions so super secure? My last name and birthday - anyone can figure that out. If a username and password is secure enough for my credit card and bank accounts, I think it will do for my loans as well.
It has been a while since I posted and that was a long one. My two loyal readers probably didn't make it to the end. But I feel better now. Thanks.

1 comment:

Laura said...

umm...welcome home?