Friday, February 09, 2007

How did Rachael Ray become such a super sleuth?

I (along with over 54,000 other documented people) hate Rachel Ray. I have for a long time. She spells her name stupidly. She has an annoying voice and says stupid things. And I feel like, since she's really blown up in the last couple of years, she has taken her "every day woman" schtick over the top.

Despite my strong feelings, I've often felt conflicted, guilty that I was being too hard on Rachael. Until tonight.

Rachael is in Belgium on her current episode of $40-a-day. After eating a waffle and going to a flea market, she is super hungry so she decides to make a stop for lunch. From the show description:
"By midday she is ready for steamed mussels. She heads to Le Pain Quotidien, for an affordable lunch."

I'm sorry, what?! Rachael is doing a show on where to go when you are overseas in Belgium, and she goes to a chain?! One that has over seventy locations!? Across nine countries!!? Including over twenty stores in the US!!!? Oh you are brilliant Rachael! What a glorious tip, thank you! You sure go out of your way to find some real gems for your viewers! God help the couple from Des Moines that is heading to Belgium tomorrow and decides to check-out your hot tip!

Giada, on the the other hand, is HOT and Italian! I'd eat wherever she told me to go!

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